Sunday, June 15, 2014

More of Corregidor March, 2014

The six of us on our way to Corregador Island from Cabcaben. It was about a half hour ride.
Elder and Sister Doyle, Senior Missionaries. Brother and Sister Wright, friends who live in San Marcelino. They became Church Service Senior Missionaries in May. Elder and Sister Gorringe.
The crew was pumping water out as fast as it was coming into the boat.

Nurses on Corregidor
Malinta Tunnel on Corregidor Island. The U.S. built the tunnel after World War 1. The Island was to protect Manila, Philippines. The tunnel was a bomb shelter that was used as a hide out for the U.S. and Filippinos after the Japanese captured the Island.

A Japanese bone inside the tunnel.
One of the lateral tunnels inside Malinta Tunnel. The Japanese blew themselves up inside the tunnel so the U.S. could not use it again.
Mock up of the hospital inside Malinta Hospital.
Another mock up of an office inside Malinta Tunnel.
In the Malinta Tunnel on Corregidor. A mock up of what went on in the tunnel when the Japanese had captured the Island. The tunnel was a bomb shelter. The U.S. lived in this tunnel until the Japanese found them.

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